Special Education
Welcome to Portland Public Schools Special Education Program. Our program is designed to support students with diverse needs from Early Childhood through 12th Grade. We are committed to providing a nurturing and inclusive learning environment where every student can thrive. Our dedicated team of educators and specialists work collaboratively to meet the unique needs of each individual, ensuring they receive the personalized attention and resources they require to succeed. Whether you're a parent, caregiver, or community member, we welcome you to explore the links below to learn more about our comprehensive Special Education programming and processes at Portland Public Schools.
The Special Education Process
Section 504
Students who have or have had a disability, which interferes with learning but does not require specialized instruction beyond the general education, may qualify for a Section 504 plan that documents and insures the provision of needed accommodations within the general education classroom setting. For further information about Section 504 eligibility you may contact your building coordinator/counselor or the Director of Special Education & Special Services.